

New year, new start, and I’ve decided I need a new look for the site. While I’m figuring out what that might look like, and since I haven’t posted in donkey’s years, I thought I’d say hey there! I’m still here and naturally, still writing. In fact, I’ve got a new series coming out later in the summer. A little bit mystery, a little bit history, a little bit rock and roll — er no, actually. No rock and roll at all. What there is, is a lot of fun. The series is historical fantasy, set in 1920s Paris and features a kick-ass witch. So in that sense, it is a bit like the Coffee and Crime mysteries. And there will be pastries! And a Norwegian, although this one is female. It’s full of so many fun surprises and I can’t wait to start teasing you all with cover reveals and so forth. Anyhoo, I’ll be in touch soon with more deets. In the meantime, here’s a bit of springtime in one of my favorite cities. Nolo bastardes non carborundum!